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The Arms Race: Generative AI vs Traditional AI – Who Will Lead the Charge? Did you know that by 2025, the global generative AI market is expected to reach a staggering $11.2 billion? This explosive growth signifies a fundamental shift in how we leverage artificial intelligence. Generative AI, with its ability to create entirely new […]




July 9, 2024

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Generative AI has emerged as a groundbreaking technology with the potential to reshape numerous industries. By leveraging complex algorithms and vast datasets, generative AI models can create new, original data that mimics the patterns and structures of existing data. This ability opens up unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency in areas such as content creation, […]




July 6, 2024

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Generative AI isn’t just a catchy tech term anymore. It’s a revolution quietly brewing across industries, poised to unlock a staggering $3.4 trillion in global economic value by 2030. This powerful technology, capable of generating entirely new content – from captivating images to groundbreaking scientific discoveries – is rapidly transforming how we work, create, and […]




June 28, 2024

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The world of Artificial Intelligence is abuzz with the not-so-recent unveiling of OpenAI’s GPT-4, a behemoth in the realm of Generative AI. This iteration boasts capabilities that push the boundaries of language models, promising to revolutionize countless industries. But with great power comes great…confusion. With talks of waitlists, limited access, and cryptic technicalities, many are […]



March 2, 2024

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Imagine stepping into a future where AI doesn’t merely discern shapes and colors, but truly comprehends the intricate symphony of the visual world. Where robots identify anomalies on assembly lines with a surgeon’s precision, self-driving cars navigate cityscapes with the seasoned grace of a Formula One driver, and medical scans whisper life-saving insights with unprecedented […]




February 5, 2024

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ChatGPT is a powerful and versatile AI chatbot that can generate natural and engaging conversations on various topics. ChatGPT plugin is an add-on that extends the chatbot’s capabilities by allowing it to access up-to-date information, run computations, or use third-party services. Plugins can enhance the user experience and enable new use cases for chatbots. In […]




January 29, 2024

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Imagine a world where doctors can diagnose diseases with pinpoint accuracy, where robots assist in complex surgeries, and where patients receive personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs. This isn’t science fiction anymore as AI use cases in healthcare are getting real now!  As one of the most exciting and transformative technologies of our […]




December 11, 2023

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NFTs are digital assets that have a unique identity recorded in blockchain. NFTs can represent anything that is digital, such as art, music, videos, games, or even tweets, its use cases are endless. Unlike other digital files, which can be copied and shared endlessly, NFTs have a special feature: they are non-fungible making them one […]




November 16, 2023

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What is a Diffusion Model? Diffusion Models are a class of generative models that can produce realistic and diverse data, such as images, text, audio, and video. They are based on the idea of transforming the data distribution into a simple noise distribution through a series of random diffusion steps. By reversing this process, we […]




October 29, 2023

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