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A Treasure-Trove of the top 2% of developers

Why settle for the ordinary when you can achieve extraordinary results? Hire our handpicked pool of talented remote developers and engineers in just 48 hours with zero onboarding fee and save 40% on salaries.

IP Rights Protection

Flexible Onboarding Models - Full-time, Part-time, Hourly

Work Status (Project management software) powered Proof of Work

Transparent Pricing

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Our Global Clients

Our Global Clients

What Makes Calibraint Developers the
Best Fit for Your Next Project?


Software Developers Hired


Cost saved for Businesses globally


Years of Experience


Projects Delivered

Comparative Analysis of Developers
From various sources



In-House Developers

Freelancing Developers

Time to onboard suited developers1 Day - 1 Week3-12 Weeks1 - 12 Weeks
Cost For Training010000$-30000$0
Time to get into the project1 Day - 2 Weeks1 Day - 2 Weeks1 - 12 Weeks
Pricing(⅓)XX(½) X
Project Success Rate98% Success RatioLowExtremely Low
Delivery Team SupportYesSometimesNo
Agile MethodologyYesMaybeNo
Work hours40 Hours/Week40 Hours/WeekDepends
Communication24*7 (available at your timezone)Only Work hoursUncertain
Termination CostsNoneHighNone

our Top Remote Developers Team From
India For Varied Technologies

Take a look at the core technologies in which our developers possess comprehensive expertise.




Full Stack


Quality Assurance

Our Developer Crew

Angular Developers React Js Developers Vue Js Developers Laravel Developers Node Js Developers Php Developers Python Developers Android Developers IOS Developers React Native Developers Drupal Developers Unity Developers Magento Developers Shopify Developers AI Developers Wordpress Developers ML Developers RPA Developers

Need remote developers from India for your project?

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Client Testimonials

The proof of our commitment to quality!

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Hiring app developers through Calibraint was a breeze. Their platform made it easy to review profiles, schedule interviews, and onboard developers seamlessly. We're thrilled with the quality of talent they provided and look forward to future collaborations.

John Smith

John Smith

Working with Calibraint was a game-changer for our company. The developers they provided were not only highly skilled but also incredibly dedicated. Their expertise helped us accelerate our project timeline and achieve our goals ahead of schedule.

David Lee

David Lee

We've been partnering with Calibraint for several years now, and they continue to impress us with their top-notch developers and exceptional service. Their ability to understand our requirements and provide tailored solutions sets them apart in the industry. In my suggestion Calibraint is the right place to hire the best developers

Jack Williams

Emily Brown

Calibraint exceeded our expectations in every way. The developers they provided were not only technically proficient but also great team players. Their collaborative approach and proactive communication made the entire process smooth and enjoyable.

The Process to Team Up with
Calibraint’s Software Developers


Submit Your Requirement


Review Profiles


Start Collaboration


Receive a Proposal


Interview Developers


Monitor Progress

Submit Your Requirement
Receive a Proposal
Review Profiles
Interview Developers
Start Collaboration
Monitor Progress

Tools We Use For Effective
Communication And Collaboration

Project Management

Jira Trello


Google Meet Slack Skype Zoom

Project Management

Trello Logo


Google Meet

Reasons Why Calibraint Shines Bright for Businesses Seeking Remote Developers!

Silicon Valley Expertise in Best Price

With Calibraint, you can hire app developers who embody the skills and innovation synonymous with Silicon Valley, all at a competitive price point.

100% source code ownership

When you partner with us, you are granted 100% ownership of the source code, enabling you to freely make modifications, enhancements, and scale your software as your business evolves.

NDA-protected contracts

Our developer’s team is legally bound by strict confidentiality standards outlined in NDAs. These agreements ensure that your sensitive information is kept secure and protected from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Experienced developers

From concept to execution, our team consists of highly skilled developers with a minimum of 3+ years of experience. We are dedicated to exceeding your expectations and driving your business forward.

Effective collaboration

Collaborate seamlessly across different time zones with software developers in India and receive day-to-day updates from those who culturally fit your organization.

100+ skills

Find developers skilled in various technologies, including React, Node.js, Python, Angular, Swift, React Native, Android, Java, Rails, Golang, DevOps, and more.

Gain Insights to Enhance Your
Recruitment Journey


Web Application

Tame the Hiring Chaos and Land Your Dream Dev Team

Building a web application or platform with a seamless user experience takes two crucial ingredients...


Mobile Application

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire iOS App Developers From India

In the digital era, if you are one among those businesses that look forward to differentiating ...


Web Application

10 Key Questions Ask When Hiring A Web Developer

Are you planning to develop a new web application for your business? 

Frequently Asked Questions

Hiring a remote software developer or team is simple. You just need to fill out the contact form, and our representative will then contact you to provide a pool of experienced developers to choose from.
We offer both short-term and long-term contracts for hiring developers. Whether you need a developer for a specific project with a defined timeline or require ongoing support for an extended period, we can accommodate your needs. Our flexible contract options allow you to tailor the engagement to match the duration and scope of your project.
At Calibraint, our dedicated software developer teams ensure project and data security through secure networks, firewalls, and access controls. We sign NDAs and enforce strict confidentiality policies with our developers.
Calibraint consists of a versatile talent pool of skilled junior developers with 2-3 years of experience and senior developers with 5-8 years of experience. Based on your requirements, you can hire a developers team that fits your custom project needs.
Our dedicated project managers will keep you updated on progress, milestones, and any challenges encountered, providing regular reports and status updates as needed. Additionally, we are always available to address any questions, concerns, or feedback you may have, offering prompt and responsive support to ensure that your project runs smoothly and successfully.

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