Calibraint’s Way Of 2020 – A Smart Survival


Lepanto Fernando L

December 22, 2020

Last updated: July 3, 2024


A Modern Journey Of All Times – From Ours To Yours

What a year it has been! On one hand, challenging and exhausting yet also refreshing and rewarding and a lot more. This article is all about sharing the memories made and experiences drawn out for a lifetime. There is no denying the fact that 2020 thought it’s way outside the box, and gave us all a memorable year by all means.


This should have been a whole new experience for full-time employees as they might not have the opportunity to work from home for months. This has opened a new genre in the workspace where everyone thought it requires a particular place to do their work. It also has given the opportunity for everyone to know themselves.


With work, we have flexibility in the time we work. We can help the family when possible since we are at home. Traveling hours are saved and utilized for work.

Virtual meetings

Working with the team, we meet daily in the morning and plan for the day and stay connected with updates now and then. Google Meet, MS Teams, RingCentral, Zoom, Skype, when all these fail a phone call helped us be productive.

Quarantine life

The internet helped us overcome the situation to some extent by being at home and work, make payments, ordering groceries.

What if we didn’t have INTERNET, this makes me think of people who have survived in previous epidemics.

Children attending online classes were another challenge. Teachers also had many practical difficulties like making students sit and listen, share notes, sharing their work board, etc. Especially math classes used to be noisier at my house. But now I see improvements, both teachers and students adapt to new methodologies – like instead of whiteboard teachers use screen share to work out mathematics.

Let’s walk down in the shoes of our friends and know more about their journey!!

2020 Wrap Up

2020 Wrap Up

2020 Wrap Up

2020 Wrap Up

2020 Wrap Up

2020 Wrap Up

2020 Wrap Up

And, the author says,

2020 Wrap Up

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