Angular Development In the Making of Big Difference


Web Team

March 30, 2020

Last updated: May 24, 2024

Angular Concepts

Angular Development – A Comprehensive Picture

Angular that is popularly known for creating smooth single-page applications, is a JS-based open-source front-end web framework. It is maintained by Google & a network of individuals and enterprises to eradicate the high-end severe issues encountered while creating a single page application. Angular is a versatile, organized, powerful MVC framework for creating a rich client-side application. Hence it also improves the scalability as the project grows. Angular is one such technology that is a must have for any software product development company that wants to develop scalable web app solutions.

Angular Development Concepts:-

Angular Development Lifecycle Hooks:

In Angular development, every component has a life-cycle, a number of different stages it goes through. The 8 different stages in the component lifecycle are called LifeCycle Hook. Wherein, a constructor is the best place to inject the dependencies into the component. On executing the constructor, Angular executes its lifecycle hook method in a definite order.

Most Used Lifecycle Hooks in Angular

ngOnChanges() :

The first lifecycle hook is ngOnChanges (), which is called after a bound input property change. Angular reckons the first-class initialization after a data property change and this becomes the reason why ngOnlnit hook is not called first.  Hence in ngOnChanges(), hooks get called once the data property changes occur. The hook is specifically called whenever the constructor is called and when the change in the property inside the component occurs.

ngOnInit() :

Right after calling the ngOnChanges hook, the second hook to be called in is ngOnInit(). The ngOnlnit() is called only once, to boot the component, and to set, and display the component input properties. It also signals the activation of the created component which makes ngOnlnit() an important hook in Angular. Owning the fact of being called once, this hook helps for extracting data from external sources like servers and APIs.

ngOnDestroy() :

The last Angular development Lifecycle hook is ngOnDestroy() which is being called just before the component is removed from DOM. It cleans up the components right from detaching event handlers to unsubscribing from observables.

Angular Development

Some of the Angular features make it more powerful, Let’s get enlightened about its strong features deeply.

Speed & Performance

On the operative note, Angular will be the best fit for achieving maximum web speed. Here the speed & high performance is achieved by the Component Router that loads only the code which is requested to view through automatic code-splitting.
In Angular, you can meet huge data requirements by building data models like RXJS, Immutable Js, and other push models. Also, it turns templates into code which has become ideal for present JS Virtual Machines. Using Angular helps, to boost the SEO Technicalities leading to assure great performance.

Best Tooling

You can enjoy immediate help & feedback from nearly all editors. The simple build & declarative features save time to code.


Through modern belongings, it is easy to achieve an app-like experience. Also using Angular enables high-performance offline & zero-step Installation. Ease creation of desktop installed apps across, mac, Linux and windows.


UI views can be created quickly with strong template syntax. Through Angular CLI fast build, instant insertion of components & easy deployment can be achieved. The code completion, error warnings, and feedbacks in IDE’s aim to simplify the developer’s work.

Data Binding, Validation, Directives, API Client, Scope Management, Rxjs these useful features of Angular makes the Web App more straight forward & robust.

Is Angular suggested for making a website?

Of Course Yes, any framework which is being powered by the Tech Giants like Google & Microsoft owns a high level of trustworthiness. it is possible to build a website by Angular as its backed by Google and has MIS License.

The front end part of the MEAN Stack, Angular JS is the most widely used open-source web application framework. Depending on the requirement Angular can be Static & Dynamic at the same time.

Every company needs to get advertised in order to sustain in the technological race here comes the importance of SEO. In order to make google to crawl, the website should be a server-side rendered one.

Quite confusing right?

Since Angular is client-side rendering how it can be used for this purpose?

The answer will be, using Angular Universal helps to achieve all the key techie things smoothly. As Angular supports MVC Architecture developing the website is quite easy as well.

Angular Adaptation

The one with a minimal amount of knowledge in JS will be able to have a quick switch over to Angular. Even the React Developers find it easy to work in the Angular Project as it supports ngrx.

Since the Business Logics & View Logics get separated it’s even quite easy for the fresh candidates to learn.

List the reasons for developing web applications in Angular.

Some of the benefits of using Angular are Rich MVC architecture, Dependency Injection, Declarative expression UI, Time-Saving, Eye-Catchy Template design, Two-way data binding, Reusable component, Simplified Testing, Scalability, Affordability.

Hope this article gave an adequate knowledge of Angular, its hooks concept, and features. For making your web application development more standardized reach Calibraint to experience high grade customized solutions.

Article By,

– Ravi Chandhar, Senior Software Developer

– Sandra Sadan, Associate Software developer

– Anni Joice, Associate Software developer

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