How AI is Changing the World Around Us (With Real-world Examples) 



September 1, 2023

Last updated: October 12, 2023

AI is one of the most fascinating and influential technologies of our time. Artificial intelligence applications can potentially transform many aspects of our society and economy by creating new opportunities and solutions for various challenges. AI can also enhance our capabilities and experiences by providing us with smart tools and services that can assist us in our daily tasks and activities.

Some of the common types of AI are machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing, object recognition, speech recognition, robotics, etc. Each type of AI has its own applications and use cases in different domains.

In this blog, we will explore some of the most popular and impactful artificial intelligence applications in various domains, such as e-commerce, healthcare, education, entertainment, security, etc. We will also provide some real-world examples of how AI is used in these domains to improve efficiency, accuracy, quality, and innovation.

Let’s dive into the amazing world of artificial intelligence applications and their real-world examples.


E-commerce is one of the most popular and profitable domains that use AI to enhance customer experience and business performance. AI can help e-commerce companies to provide personalized recommendations, chatbots, fraud detection, inventory management, etc.

When it comes to the eCommerce industry, one of the best AI examples in real life is Amazon Go, which is a cashierless store that uses AI to track what customers buy and charge them automatically. Customers can simply walk into the store, scan their app, pick up the items they want, and walk out without waiting in line or paying at a counter.

ai examples in real life Amazon Go store

Personalized Recommendations

Artificial intelligence can analyze customer behavior, preferences, interests, and purchase history to provide personalized product or service recommendations that match their needs and tastes. This can increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

Netflix uses AI and machine learning to recommend movies or shows based on customer viewing history. This is helpful in increasing the overall engagement on the platforms and turning users into loyal customers.


Artificial intelligence can create virtual assistants or chatbots that can interact with customers using natural language processing (NLP) and speech recognition. Chatbots can provide instant answers to customer queries, resolve issues, provide feedback, or guide customers through the purchase process. This can improve customer service quality, efficiency, and convenience.

Domino’s uses a chatbot called Dom on Facebook Messenger that can take pizza orders and track an existing order using your voice or keyboard.

Fraud Detection

Artificial intelligence can help e-commerce companies detect and prevent fraud by using machine learning algorithms that can identify patterns or anomalies in transactions or user behavior. Fraud detection can protect both customers and businesses from financial losses or identity theft.

PayPal uses AI to analyze millions of transactions per day with advanced machine learning techniques to detect fraud. It will continue to adapt as fraudsters constantly evolve their methodologies.


Artificial intelligence can help diagnose diseases, recommend treatments, discover new drugs, and improve patient outcomes. It can be used to analyze large amounts of health data and provide insights and solutions for various health challenges.

One example of real-world artificial intelligence applications in healthcare is IBM Watson Health, which is a platform that uses AI to analyze large amounts of health data and provide insights and solutions for various health challenges. Watson Health can help doctors diagnose diseases, recommend treatments, discover new drugs, and improve patient outcomes.


AI can help personalize the learning experience, provide feedback and guidance, automate grading and assessment, and optimize curriculum and pedagogy. AI can adapt the difficulty level, content, and feedback of each lesson based on the user’s progress, goals, and preferences.

Duolingo is a popular language learning app that uses Open AI’s GPT-4. It can personalize the learning experience for each user. It can also adapt itself based on the user’s progress, goals, and preferences. Duolingo can also use gamification, social features, and rewards to motivate and engage users.


Despite being a phenomenal technology that can help humankind achieve wonders, AI also poses some ethical risks and social implications. Therefore, we need to be aware of the potential benefits and pitfalls regarding the application of artificial intelligence in businesses, and ensure that we use it responsibly and beneficially.

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