Applications of Blockchain in Real World




October 7, 2023

Last updated: October 9, 2023

Usecases of blockchain

In the last few years, blockchain technology has expanded its prospects and gone far ahead of crypto-currencies. Blockchain use cases have the potential to drastically change the way businesses operate and they can leverage the best out of it.

In this blog, we will explore how blockchain can benefit different sectors, such as banking, cybersecurity, supply chain management, healthcare, government, education, and media. We will look at some examples of blockchain-based applications in each sector.

Blockchain use cases in various sectors


Banking is one of the most promising sectors for blockchain technology. Gartner predicts that blockchain technology will add value worth over $176B to businesses by 2025. One of the main benefits of blockchain in banking is that it can enable peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a central authority or intermediary. This can reduce transaction costs and delays, as well as increase financial inclusion and access.

Binance Pay is a blockchain-based app that allows users to send and receive money across borders using their smartphones. It has the potential to bring people together into a new lifestyle.


It is crucial for any business to look into security and ensure on-time delivery of services without any compromises. Blockchain offers the right options to fit the gaps left in the system by traditional cybersecurity systems. It has several features that can enhance cybersecurity, such as:

  • Immutability 
  • Transparency 
  • Decentralization 
  • Cryptography 
  • Smart contracts

Guardtime is a good example to showcase the implementation of blockchain in cybersecurity. It has been active in the market for over 10 years.

Supply chain

Blockchain can improve supply chain management by creating a secure and transparent network that allows for real-time tracking of goods at every stage. Businesses can easily scale their operations at any level and can regulate their delivery systems easily with supply chain management. Some of the crucial benefits offered by blockchain for supply chain management are:

  • Security 
  • Visibility 
  • Efficiency 
  • Innovation

IBM Food Trust has transformed the food industry by providing end-to-end traceability of its products which ensures freshness and safety. It directly connects farmers, processors, distributors, and retailers in the market.


Blockchain can provide a new model for the existing system by making electronic records more efficient and secure. It can enable better collaboration between the stakeholders in the system by reducing complexity and creating immutable information.

Medicalchain is one of the early adopters of blockchain technology in the medical sector. It uses blockchain technology to securely manage health records for a collaborative, smart approach to healthcare.


Media plays an important role in society as it reaches a wide range of audiences through the internet, cinema, etc. Blockchain can improve media by creating a secure network that can help with real-time tracking of content. As blockchain technology offers flexibility for the creators and producers to offer multiple levels of access on these platforms, it builds trust among the participants. The three levels are:

  • Public 
  • Private 
  • Hybrid

Audius is a decentralized music streaming platform that offers more freedom and options to the creators. They can generate immutable records for their works, secured by an incentive-aligned decentralized network of node operators.


Blockchain is set to create new business opportunities in this decade. Entrepreneurs should consider mapping and convening the blockchain ecosystem by establishing a secure system. As many exciting and creative solutions are being offered by blockchain development companies globally, several pioneering companies have stepped in and this is only the beginning.

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