The Intersection of Technology & Creativity in Generative AI 



August 2, 2023

Last updated: March 22, 2024

generative ai and creativity

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create art in the future with the help of artificial intelligence? Well, that future is here now! Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can generate new content or data from existing ones. This innovative technology has revolutionized the way art is created and experienced.

Generative AI has fuelled concerns over the ethical and legal implications but today we will discuss its creativity and intersection of technology. It has the potential to democratize art by making it more accessible to a wider range of people.

What does creativity mean in generative AI platforms?

Prompts are a key part of generative AI as it generates ideas using object recognition based on them. The boundless depths of human creativity merging with the prowess of AI can bring out a new side of creativity in people. For instance, here is an AI-generated art of a royal cat wearing a crown that I developed using generative AI.

So the ultimate question is, is it replacing the artistic creativity in humans? To arrive at an answer, we will take a closer look at recent innovations. 

Generative AI also leads to the creation of new and innovative techniques that would not be possible with traditional methods. Cheating death has been an aspirational goal of humanity since prehistory but with generative AI now at our disposal, we can do the impossible. Yesiltas, a photographer, has been in the news recently for his work on resurrecting celebrities.

Although generative AI isn’t completely autonomous, it gives jaw-dropping results in a matter of seconds. Personally, I believe that it won’t be able to produce the artistic flavor of Vincent Van Gogh or Pablo Picasso. Users can make use of the potential with their creative prompts to produce high-quality visual art. Users can also employ creativity to produce high-quality videos. To generate AI videos, an AI video generator is essential. Although it can recreate the strokes of brushes in a digital painting, it cannot paint on a canvas. Well, at least for now.

Moreover, people have already started using AI image generators to create realistic images that are indistinguishable from actual photographs. Recently a completely AI-generated man won the hearts of over 10k followers on Instagram. Meta is also planning to bring generative AI to its apps which will allow users to come up with creative prompts.

To sail on the tide, the prestigious grammy awards have now approved the use of AI in music. The announcement comes after a month after an AI-created song went viral on Tiktok. People assumed it was from the real Drake and Kanye, but it turned out to be the opposite.

The future of AI art generators is full of possibilities. We will keep seeing even more innovative and creative uses for it in the future. The possibilities are endless and it’s exciting to see how generative AI shapes the future of art.

Well, now the elephant in the room, is it replacing the artistic creativity in humans?

Art has always been subjective and now the creative process is also going through the same phase. One thing I am sure about is that our role in the creative process will keep changing over the years. So let your imagination run wild and enjoy the possibilities that generative AI offers!

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