Penetrating Deep into Website Ranking




August 20, 2019

Last updated: March 30, 2022


Earning more traffic in the Search Engine is not a small undertaking. To acquire huge traffic the website should be easily accessible by the user. SEO is the process of ranking the website top in the search engine. A search result beyond the first-page lapse to get the attention from the searcher hence, everyone aims for the first position in SERP.

A long tedious process takes place in making this whirl to occur. This article chaperons a section of SEO that one needs to work on the website to improve its ranking. This section is called On-Page optimization. On-Page involves the enhancement of the website on the basis of content and HTML code. 

To dig deep, below are features that work wonders in bringing your website top. If all these factors were taken into consideration, Google bot identify your site and does the remaining magic. 

Keyword Analysis

Select the most appropriate keywords for your content. The keyword is the queries a user type in the search engine. Considering the keyword with high volume reflects in high search traffics at the same time competition of the keyword is also an essential consideration. High Competition keyword takes time in ranking. Based on the client’s requirement this keyword analysis needs to carried out.

Competitor Keyword Analysis

The research we do to pick our keywords involves the analysis of our Competitors Keyword as well. To stay away from the crowd knowing competitors’ keyword is mandatory. On researching competitors page you may come across a valuable keyword which is not available in your bucket list. In order to come up with a qualified keyword strategy, one needs to analysis his competitor’s site. 

Tag Optimization

Optimizing Title Tag, Meta Description, Slug, Alt Tag is another important factor. Make your Slug SEO friendly (i.e avoid numbers & special characters). Title Tag and Meta Description’s character count should satisfy the rules. 

Content Optimization

Optimizing the content with Google guidelines is another important aspect. The content should possibly cross a few facets, including usage of transient words (hence, and, since..)  active voice & passive voice counters, sentence length, keyword stuffing, making copy free content, content readability & so on. 

Website Ranking

Favicon for Ranking

Another item in your bucket list that needs to be ticked is Favicon. Favicon saves the time of the user in searching it from the history and bookmark. Google considers this as an important feature as it helps the user. 

A user will not stick to your website if its loading time is dead slow. Make sure your website clears google speed test. 

Text Code Ratio

An average ratio of  20% is required to clear this test. More Code & Less Content or with More Content &  Less Code will adversely affect your SEO. Maintaining the ratio high helps in ranking.

Schema Mark-Up

Adding Schema helps the user to find what they want. A website with Schema Markup gets more attention than the one without. Use Schema before your competitor wins the race.


Canonicalization states an individual website can be loaded with one or more URLs. For example, your website can be loaded for as well. The website should be loaded with or without extensions like .html/.php.

This indicates your website is easily accessible by the user so Google considers this as a raising factor. 

sitemap.xml & robot.txt

A sitemap is a profile of your website make sure you generate your sitemap frequently for a dynamic website. The key control for your website lies with robot.txt hence Google crawler seeks these features for a proper website ranking.

Code Validation

An unprofessional or unethical code reflects badly in SEO, checking whether the website has cleared the code validation test is one of the important factors.


Inbound Links: These are the links that travel from one page on the domain to other pages on the same domain. (Required for visitors navigation into different pages)
Outbound Links: The links between the different domains. (These links gains trust hence required)
Broken Links: These are the links that send the visitor to a page that doesn’t exist. (Visitors loses trust these links are considered to have a negative impact on SEO)

Social Signals

Keeping links to your social media account adds value in the ranking. Since social media is a platform of sharing post, idea & product user engagement seems to be high which makes website in the ranking.

Conversion Form

Having a conversion/contact form on your website helps you to generate leads. Providing a conversion form helps the visitor to interact instantly. Hence, the SEO checklist is incomplete with forms.

FAQ Schema & QA Schema gives added advantages. Adding relevant images & videos gains user engagement with the website. Making best On-Page optimization cut downs your half of ranking struggle. 



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