Tips to Create Gas Efficient Smart Contracts in Solidity




November 3, 2023

For all the crypto enthusiasts out there, we know gas prices can burn a hole in your pocket and can take a heavy toll on your portfolio, but fear not! We’ve got your back with some practical tricks that will not only save you precious Ethereum but also develop gas efficient smart contracts.

Now, whether you’re a seasoned developer or just dipping your toes into the blockchain world, keep reading to level up your Solidity game and create smart contracts that are gas-efficient! In this blog post, we’ll be sharing seven awesome tips to help you create gas efficient smart contracts in Solidity

Let’s get started! 

Tips for Optimizing Solidity Code Structure in Your Gas Efficient Smart Contracts

Optimizing the structure of your Solidity code is essential for creating efficient and secure smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Well-structured code is easier to understand, and maintain, and less prone to vulnerabilities. 

tips to create gas-efficient smart contracts
  1. Go for Modularity: In the realm of Solidity development, the concept of modularity is paramount and essential in its development. It means dividing your code into small, reusable functions and contracts. This has many benefits, such as:
  • Better readability and comprehension of your code
  • Easier code maintenance and updates
  • Fewer bugs and more reliability
  • More code reusability and consistency
  • Simpler unit testing and debugging
  • Higher security and transparency
  • Lower gas costs and more control
  1. Use Libraries: Leveraging libraries is a fundamental practice in Solidity to foster code reusability and maintainability. Solidity enables developers to create libraries that encapsulate common logic, making it easily shareable among multiple smart contracts. This not only reduces gas costs by eliminating redundant code but also simplifies the main contract’s codebase. Libraries essentially serve as repositories of well-defined functions, allowing smart contracts to reference these functions, further enhancing efficiency and code organization.
  1. Use Upgradeable Contracts: In the ever-evolving blockchain sector, it’s crucial to future-proof your smart contracts. One way to achieve this is through upgradeable contracts, which divide data storage and contract logic into separate entities. By doing so, you can update your contract logic without migrating user data. This will ensure that your dApp remains flexible and adaptable, even after deployment. Upgradeable contracts are particularly advantageous when the need arises to fix bugs, introduce new features, or adapt to changing regulatory requirements.
  1. Avoid Deep Nesting: Excessive nesting of control structures like if statements and loops should be avoided. It not only hinders code readability but also results in higher gas costs and increased complexity. By keeping control structures as shallow as possible, developers can maintain clear, concise code that is easier to comprehend. This practice minimizes the likelihood of introducing errors and promotes a more maintainable codebase.
  1. Keep Functions Small: When it comes to writing functions in Solidity, the mantra is to keep them concise and focused on a single, well-defined task. Smaller functions are inherently easier to test and debug, simplifying the development and debugging process. Avoiding the creation of long, complex functions that perform multiple tasks enhances the overall maintainability of the codebase and ensures that each function can be understood and validated independently. 
  1. Maintain Comments and Documentation Properly: Robust documentation is a cornerstone of solid solidity development. Clear comments and explanations within your code can help one enhance collaboration and knowledge sharing among developers. It also helps other team members to understand it and will act as a reference point for future updates. It also streamlines the auditing process for security and maintains the overall integrity of the project. 
  1. Focus on Error Handling: Robust error handling is critical to the reliability and security of smart contracts as they must be designed to handle exceptions and errors efficiently. Failing to address these potential pitfalls can lead to catastrophic failures, hacks, and other unexpected behaviors. You must ensure that your contracts continue to function as intended, protecting both users and the integrity of the blockchain application. 


In conclusion, creating gas efficient smart contracts in Solidity may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tips and tricks, it can become easier. By following the seven strategies we’ve outlined in this blog post, you’ll be working on gas optimization techniques in solidity and minimizing your gas costs. So, go ahead and put these tips into practice for smart contract development, and ultimately more success in the Ethereum ecosystem. 

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