Angular Vs React – Which One Should You Choose For Your Business?




June 17, 2020

Last updated: May 7, 2024

angular vs react

Angular Vs React Usage – The Complete Comparison

There are numerous articles out there titled “React vs Angular ”, “Angular vs React’’, React or Angular, Angular vs react usage and so on debating whether they are the best frameworks for web app development. So the question is which is the best – react or angular web application development? But if you have opened this article, it means that you have not found your answer yet! Worry no more! We have got you covered! 

The number of front-end developer libraries and frameworks available in the market has gradually exploded. Angular and React are the most popular JavaScript frameworks with Angular and React being the most popular among developers. Nonetheless, the question of Angular vs. React has sparked numerous disputes. As a result, we thought it would be great to highlight the key differences between Angular and React so that you could decide on the best for your existing project or future business. 

Year after year the web world continues to witness evolving technologies that drive and set new trends. The ever-evolving trends in the Information Technology world call out organizations to employ and practice technologies, frameworks, and platforms that are efficient, submissive and provide the highest level of output. Out of those web development trends that the digital world has in the spotlight, some get a better take while others vanish with time. On that note, react vs angular is one of the primary questions that both developers and clients deliberate on, before starting any new web project. However, these two have found a solid place in the list of top JS Frameworks.

Angular Vs React: For Single-page Applications (SPAs) Development

Angular and React are advanced and widely adopted JavaScript (JS) technologies that are used to create interactive single-page applications (SPAs).

A single-page application is a website or web application that does not require to reload the page during its use and dynamically rewrites the current page, instead of loading pages entirely from the web server. Hence, Angular and React are the main web frameworks that are favored for developing SPAs.

SPA Examples: Facebook, Google Maps, Gmail, Twitter, Google Drive, etc. 

However, the greatest advantage of a correctly-configured SPA is the user experience (UX), where the user gets to experience a natural environment of the app without having to wait for the page reloads.

On that note, let’s take a closer look at some of the facts that make angular and react the most desired programming languages for web application development and side-by-side comparison on what exactly separates Angular and React from each other.

Angular Vs React: A Brief Overview


– Angular is a full-fledged MVC framework that is written in JavaScript and launched by Google.

– The principal idea behind Angular was to bring JavaScript into HTML with real DOM client-side rendering. Hence Angular is the perfect combination of JavaScript and HTML blended together.

– Angular with the real DOM, updates the entire tree in case of any change in a single data structure and is ideal for Single page applications that update a single view at once. 

Angular Vs React Differences


–  React is a JavaScript library that is developed by the Facebook community.

– The principal idea behind React is to bring HTML into JavaScript that enables virtual DOM server-side rendering.

– React is the best for single-page applications (SPAs) that update many views at a time. The virtual DOM prevents the problems created by real DOM and it provides a higher user experience with changes done only in the requested areas.

React – Top 3 Features Of React In A Glance

Excellent User Experience

Unlike other JavaScript frameworks, React uses the abstract form of Real DOM – the Virtual DOM. This eases the process of React app developers to update changes without affecting the other parts of the interface. This results in building a highly dynamic and consistent UI making excellent user experience one among the top best features of react.

Saves Time

In React, the developers get to reuse the code components at various distinct levels & at any instant. Also, as the components are separated from each other, changes in one do not affect the other, which makes it easier to manage the updates. Thus this makes the react app development more efficient and streamlined. 

Improved Code Stability

React with One-directional data binding allows the developers to work directly with the components and employ a downward data binding system. Thus this will ensure that the parent entities do not get affected by the changes of child entities. Hence, this way of binding improves code stability and supports development processes. 

Angular – Top 3 Features Of Angular In Brief

High Code Quality

High code quality is one among the top features of Angular. Angular using the superset of JavaScript, which is the TypeScript programming language, eases the process of finding and eliminating the common issues while typing the code. This approach helps the developers to write error-free codes and ensure high code quality. Also, being a full-fledged MVC framework, it provides out of the box opinions and functionality that makes decision-making process easier. 

Improved Design Interface

The pre-built material design components across navigation elements, form controls, pop-ups, layouts, and data table offered by Angular, helps the mobile app development and developers to overcome Google Material Design’s impact on Mobile app design and to design a digital product for the long run. 

Seamless Updates 

Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is easy to install and user-friendly & offers innovative testing tools and simpler commands that are supported by various engineers and platforms. Hence it is absolutely possible to even update those components that have a third-party dependency.

Do you have an idea for either an Angular or React project in your mind? Calibraint being the best custom software development company in India outshines by providing full-fledged User Interface services for websites and web applications with masterful angular and react developers.

difference of angular vs react

Angular Vs React Differences : A Brief Side-by-side Comparison Between The Two 

Component Structure

With respect to react vs angular componentization, the angular componentization comes with an extremely fixed structure based on three layers: Model, View, and Controller. Here, the developers get the app’s code in different files so that the components could be rescued at any required places of the application.

While in react, the architecture differs and offers a simple way of developing components in the form of tree structures. However, the library holds all the functional programming in which the component definitions are declarative. And here, the developers get to have codes that are readable and logically structured. Thus component structure puts the fundamental differentiating point in react vs angular.

UI Component 

In Angular, several pre-built components of material designs are available and they come up with a built-in material tech stack. This makes the UI design elements configuration extremely fast and simple.

While in React, the UI tools are developed by its community and offer a large number of paid and free UI components in the React portal. Thus the UI component remains distinct in angular vs react differences.

Toolset Usage

Angular versions make use of multiple code editors like Sublime Text, Aptana, & Visual Studio and sets up the project using Angular CLI, while the server-side rendering is done through Angular Universal.

Like Angular, React also uses code editors like Sublime Text, Atom, & Visual Studio and then subsequently bootstraps a project. It uses the create react app (CLI) tool for bootstrapping a project and uses the Next.js framework for the server-side rendering.

But the point of difference in react vs angular technology comes in the testing part. Angular can be tested completely using a single tool whereas React requires multiple tools for different elements.

Development Rate & Productivity

Yet another factor that contributes to React vs Angular choice is their development rate and productivity. On that note Angular with CLI, offers an enhanced development experience by creating a workspace and quickly designing functioning applications. They also provide components and services with one-line commands, the built-in process to solve comprehensive problems, and complete coding features of typescript.

But, when considering React, the involvement of third-party libraries slows down the development rate. Further to that, the React developers have to determine the right web application architecture along with the right tools as the toolkit varies from project to project.

Hence all these processes in React demand more time, effort & investment, and thereby this results in a slower development rate. Hence the above characteristics indicate that Angular outshines React in terms of development speed and productivity.


Another factor that influences the decision to choose the right framework is angular vs react speed and performance. Angular that works with regular DOM directly applies to the real DOM when facing any new changes in the browser. Now, when the real DOM gets updated, the browser has to change many internal values to represent a new DOM. This in turn forms a negative impact on the application performance.

Whereas in React, when it encounters new data, it creates a new virtual DOM and then compares it with the previously saved DOM. The library there compares the two object models by finding dissimilarities and rebuilds the virtual DOM, with all the new updated changes. All of this gets done on the server, which reduces the load on the browser and this marks the main difference between angular vs react performance. 

Now, React sends the HTML only for the changed element instead of sending completely new HTML to the browser. This approach aids React with much more efficient performance than Angular.

Web Application Development

Angular Vs React: Summing Up

Angular without a doubt is a complete framework for web application development. React on the other hand is a UI framework that can be expanded into a full-fledged solution with the inclusion of additional frameworks.

React appears to be simpler at first glance, and getting started with a React project takes less time. However, React’s fundamental benefit of simplicity is negated by the need to learn to interact with extra JavaScript frameworks and tools. Angular on the other hand is a more complicated language that requires a long time to learn. It is, however, a strong tool that provides a comprehensive web development experience, and once you understand how to use it, you can reap its benefits without any hesitation.

However, both frameworks are updated regularly in order to keep up with the competition. For example, while React was thought to win due to its virtual DOM, Angular tied the score by changing detection. While Angular was thought to be the winner as it was created by a reputable organization Google, the enormous and dedicated React community made up for Google’s reputation and made React comparable to Angular.

As per the recent records, React scores more searches and Angular scores more people’s interest for its availability of ready-made solutions. This states that both technologies are developing and both are popular in the market. Both Angular and React frameworks come with great flexibility for creating flawless web applications for businesses of varying magnitude. 

In the end, the choice between React vs Angular comes down to your preference, abilities, and habits. You could probably kick start with React if you’re new to programming. As an experienced programmer, you must just stick to what you know best. However, if you are a Project Manager or a business owner who outshows an offshoring partnering company, then you should talk to your web development team and decide together whether Angular or React is the framework that best suits your requirements. Irrespective of your perspective on the React Vs Angular debate, you must make decisions based on your functional and usability requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions On Angular Vs React

What is Angular?

A component-based framework used for building single-page client applications and scalable web applications using HTML and TypeScript is known as Angular. 

What Is React?

A free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components is known as React framework. 

What Is The Key Difference Between Angular Vs React?

Angular is a JavaScript framework built using Typescript, while Reactjs is a JavaScript library built using JSX. 

Which Is More In Demand Angular Or React?

Both React and Angular are excellent choices, in terms of single-page applications. However, both of them are also entirely distinct instruments and hence one needs to make choices based on their requirement of functionality and usability.

How Different Is React From Angular?

React is a library, while Angular is a full-fledged framework. React uses the virtual DOM and one-way data binding, whereas Angular uses the real DOM and two-way data binding.

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